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Honey Fragrance 🇹🇼

Honey Fragrance 🇹🇼

Regular price £12.80 GBP
Regular price Sale price £12.80 GBP
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Honey Fragrance
Black/Red Tea
From Rueishuei, Ruisui Township, Southern Hualien County, East Coast, Taiwan.
25g Tin


Zero Waste Refill (compostable bag) with discount code: REFILL
This tea is organically grown!

Tightly rolled leaves, dark brown in tone with golden tippy flecks. Similar in shape to rolled oolongs. Dry leaves have a milky sweet aroma, The wet leaves give an orchid fragrance and honey and brown sugar sweetness, very aromatic leaves! The tea soup is a rich orange in colour. To taste, a thick, smooth mouthfeel and a bold honey sweetness with a great depth of flavour with little to no astringency. Excellently balanced.

The young leaves of these tea bushes benefit from being bitten by the Greenleaf Hopper bug, this results in the leaves developing the unique and highly prized sweet honey notes from which this tea takes its name. This is only possible through natural organic cultivation.

Hand picked & harvested in Spring. The leaves have then undergone processing on site, 100% oxidised leaf following traditional techniques with great skill and care. The end result, producing very small batch, very high quality, fresh finished tea. From a tea garden renowned for winning at multiple tea competitions year on year, for tea produced in this style.

Likewise, The east coast region of Taiwan is famous for the highest quality Honey Fragrance Black Teas. The garden being located in the Huadong valley area poised between the Central mountain range, Coastal mountain range and Wuhe Terrace. Organically grown from a mixed cultivar of Jinxuan & Big Leaf Oolong varieties at a 300m elevation.

Brew Guide Per Cup:
Tea - 1 teaspoon (3-5g)
Water - 85-90*c // 300ml
Brew time - 2-3 minutes
Reinfuse leaves up to 2-3 infusions, to personal taste
Brew Guide Gong fu Style For Gaiwan:
Tea - 5g
Water - 90*c // 100ml
Brew time - 1st infusion 30sec, 2nd infusion 45 sec, 3rd infusion 60sec, Increasing by 5-10 secs thereafter.
Reinfuse leaves up to 4-5 infusions.

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