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Cha Hai ~ Bark

Cha Hai ~ Bark

Regular price £26.00 GBP
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Cha Hai ~ Bark
Heat resistant glass pitcher
Approximate measurements: 10cm H x 8cm ø 250ml

With a taller profile this Cha Hai has the effect of bark with flowing ridges spiralling down the surface thats very tactile, finished with a pronounced spout for a delicate and controlled pour.

The glass style of Cha Hai is an essential vessel to elevate and enhance your tea appreciation.

The Cha Hai translates as Tea Sea, ‘the sea of tea’ first introduced in the Ming Dynasty as a very simple functional ware with a purpose to control the strength of the infusions, ensuring a consistent taste across multiple servings. Over time this vessel has evolved by design and refinement into an artistic form of its own. 
The Cha Hai is an integral part of Gong fu Tea Ceremony serving to not only balance the strength of the tea but control temperature, enhance and allow the aromas of the tea to fully develop and be appreciated, to experience the rich visual qualities of the tea soup and help in the social feeling of togetherness when serving to multiple guests.

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